Haley 112
Turn on the system and log into the room PC by clicking on the "Other User" link at the bottom left of the login screen.
Log in using your R-MC username and password.
If using a laptop, plug in the HDMI cable.
If the podium Crestron box is blank, touch it to wake it up.
Make sure to switch to the input you will be using.
EX: PC, Laptopm, Blue-rayPlease note that pushing the Windows key and the letter 'P' to manipulate what content shows is NOT applicable in this room.
To hide content, select the "Blank Image" option on the Crestron podium panel.
The room speakers should be selected for you.
If the sound is coming out of the projector, make sure the amplifier located in the lectern is powered on. Please do NOT turn it off.
There are also external desktop speakers available as an alternate sound source that can be selected using the sound icon on the desktop PC.
If using the room PC, log off when finished, but do NOT turn it off.
Please turn off the projector by pressing "Exit System" and then "System Off" on the Crestron touch screen when finished to avoid overheating.