Copley 101
To Start/Power on the System
Firmly tap the touch screen control panel to wake it up.
Press the large button labeled Touch here to start.
Press the "On" button to turn the projector on.
Wait for the projector to warm up.
To Project PC
The Crestron box is set to auto-detect whether the source is the classroom computer or a laptop.
Check and make sure the PC is turned on.
Sign in using your R-MC username and password.
To Project Laptop
Sign into the laptop.
Connect the HDMI or VGA + AUX cables located on the podium to your laptop.
The Crestron box is set to auto-detect whether the source is the classroom computer or a laptop.
To Shut down the System
Log off the computer.
Select Exit System on the touch screen.
Select System Off to confirm.
Do not touch any switches or buttons inside the cabinet.
If the computer or video image shows on the computer monitor but does not show on the projector, make sure that the Blank button on the touch screen projector controls is not highlighted (in red). Press this button to de-select if needed.
Also make sure using the Windows + P keys that the computer screen is set to Duplicate.
The menu at the top of the touch screen is not currently operational. Press the projector controls button to navigate to the screen with the "On", "Off", and "Blank" functions that do work.
The mute button for the mic settings is programmed backwards currently. To mute the handheld mic, press mute on the lavalier mic settings and vice versa.
Audio Tips
This room has one receiver. Input 2-USB is paired to the room's handheld mic and 3-USB is paired to the room's lavalier mic. By design, the microphones will only become live after the AV system is turned on.
Note that 101 is set to use the Crestron JBL room speakers but volume has to be LESS then 40 or you get bad feedback.Â
Always use the volume controls on the touch screen.
Do not adjust any knobs inside the cabinet.
If there is no sound, make sure the mute icon is not selected on the touch panel or computer.