Andrews MPR
Room Tips
The switches to control the projector screen and room blinds are in the closet on the right hand side near the door. The projector switch lowers or raises the screen. The blinds controls are also located near the projector switch.
Andrews MPR uses the same "black box" hardware as the synchronous classrooms aside from not having a front or rear camera.
This room has 2 mic inputs in addition to the room speakers, one paired to the room's lavalier mic and one paired to the room's hand-held mic. Spare batteries should be present if needed and are supplied by physical plant. Please do not touch the channel settings or move equipment from its designated room.
Turn on the room's AV system using the control panel's touch screen.
If blank, wake it up by touching it.
Turn on the microphone(s).
Control the microphone volume/sensitivity using the Microphone Level menu option on the AV Panel that can be used to change the volume or mute the device.
Basic Operating Instructions
Turn on the system and sign into the computer using your R-MC username and password.
Touch the Extron screen located on the podium to wake up/begin.
Make sure to switch to the input you will be using.
EX: Desktop input 1 or Laptop input 2; sometimes labeled PC or HDMI
If you are going to use a laptop, plug in the HDMI or VGA + AUX cables.
The Extron speakers should be selected. If the sound is coming out of the projector, make sure the amplifier located in the lectern is powered on. Please do NOT turn it off.
If using the podium PC, log off when finished but do NOT turn it off.
Use the Extron box controls to log out of the AV system.
Troubleshooting Steps
If the projector not projecting, please change the input in case the system is out of sync. Ex: if using the computer, change the source to HDMI and use Windows + P and choose duplicate.
If that does not work, it may help to exit the touch panel control system. The steps to do that depend upon which screen is currently active, but basically, keep pressing "Exit" or "Cancel" or "Back" until the option to "Exit System" or "Shutdown System" appears.
The touch panel will wait for what seems like a long time saying that the projector is cooling down, but then it should offer a button to start the system. After pressing that button, be patient for the projector to turn back on fully. The projector should then be back in sync with the panel. Use "Windows+P" to select what contents are to be displayed on the projector.